The Use Of EEG Theta Biofeedback In The Treatment Of A Patient With Sleep-Onset Insomnia
Bell, J. Stephen
This study addresses the treatment of sleep-onset insomnia through EEG theta rhythm biofeedback after unsuccessful use of relaxation training and sleep medication. Theta density and sleep indices, such as sleep latency and number of awakenings, were monitored during baseline, placebo, and treatment sessions. After 11 sessions of biofeedback training, the patient experienced a decrease in sleep latency and an increase in total sleep time due to the increase in theta density. The sleep improvement was maintained after three months, even after the sleep medication was discontinued.
Hoedlmoser K., Pecherstorfer T., Gruber G., Anderer P., Doppelmayr M., Klimesch W., and Schabus M.
Facilitation of sensorimotor rhythm (SMR) through instrumental SMR conditioning (ISC) while awake was shown to enhance related brain oscillations, sleep spindles, during sleep. The enhancement improved sleep quality and declarative learning, as seen through decreased sleep onset latency and improvement in post-treatment memory tests. The research findings indicate that ISC could be a promising treatment for insomnia as well as other sleep disorders.